- 【连接】__construct方法内:
$this->connect($host, $port);
- 【删除】unlock方法内:
- 【写】cache_value方法内:
$this->set($Key, $Value, 0, $Duration);
- 【读】get_value方法内:
- 【删】delete_value方法内:
class RedisCache
public static $redis = null; // 缓存对象
private $type = 'http'; // Redis连接方式 unix,http
private $socket = ''; // unix方式连接时,需要配置
private $host = ''; // Redis域名
private $port = 6379; // Redis端口,默认为6379
private $prefix = ''; // Redis key prefix
private $auth = ''; // Redis 身份验证
private $db = 0; // Redis库,默认0
private $timeout = 60; // 连接超时时间,单位秒,默认60
public function connect($host, $port)
// 单例模式
if (self::$redis === null) {
try {
if (extension_loaded('Redis')) {
self::$redis = new Redis();
// 连接
if ($this->type === 'unix' && $this->socket !== '') {
} else {
self::$redis->connect($this->host, $this->port, $this->timeout);
// 验证
if ($this->auth != '') {
// 选择
return self::$redis;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
return false;
return self::$redis;
* 将value 的值赋值给key,生存时间为expire秒
public function set($key, $value, $What, $expire = 600)
self::$redis->setex($this->formatKey($key), $expire, $this->formatValue($value));
public function get($key)
$value = self::$redis->get($this->formatKey($key));
return $value !== false ? $this->unformatValue($value) : null;
public function delete($key)
return self::$redis->delete($this->formatKey($key));
* 检测是否存在key,若不存在则赋值value
public function setnx($key, $value)
return self::$redis->setnx($this->formatKey($key), $this->formatValue($value));
public function lPush($key, $value)
return self::$redis->lPush($this->formatKey($key), $this->formatValue($value));
public function rPush($key, $value)
return self::$redis->rPush($this->formatKey($key), $this->formatValue($value));
public function lPop($key)
$value = self::$redis->lPop($this->formatKey($key));
return $value !== false ? $this->unformatValue($value) : null;
public function rPop($key)
$value = self::$redis->rPop($this->formatKey($key));
return $value !== false ? $this->unformatValue($value) : null;
protected function formatKey($key)
return $this->prefix . $key;
protected function formatValue($value)
return @serialize($value);
protected function unformatValue($value)
return @unserialize($value);
* 获取Redis实例,当封装的方法未能满足时,可调用此接口获取Reids实例进行操作
public function getRedis()
return self::$redis;
class RedisCache
public static $redis = null; // 缓存对象
private $type = 'http'; // Redis连接方式 unix,http
private $socket = ''; // unix方式连接时,需要配置
private $host = ''; // Redis域名
private $port = 6379; // Redis端口,默认为6379
private $prefix = ''; // Redis key prefix
private $auth = ''; // Redis 身份验证
private $db = 0; // Redis库,默认0
private $timeout = 60; // 连接超时时间,单位秒,默认60
public function connect($host, $port)
// 单例模式
if (self::$redis === null) {
try {
if (extension_loaded('Redis')) {
self::$redis = new Redis();
// 连接
if ($this->type === 'unix' && $this->socket !== '') {
} else {
self::$redis->connect($this->host, $this->port, $this->timeout);
// 验证
if ($this->auth != '') {
// 选择
return self::$redis;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
return false;
return self::$redis;
* 将value 的值赋值给key,生存时间为expire秒
public function set($key, $value, $What, $expire = 600)
self::$redis->setex($this->formatKey($key), $expire, $this->formatValue($value));
public function get($key)
$value = self::$redis->get($this->formatKey($key));
return $value !== false ? $this->unformatValue($value) : null;
public function delete($key)
return self::$redis->delete($this->formatKey($key));
* 检测是否存在key,若不存在则赋值value
public function setnx($key, $value)
return self::$redis->setnx($this->formatKey($key), $this->formatValue($value));
public function lPush($key, $value)
return self::$redis->lPush($this->formatKey($key), $this->formatValue($value));
public function rPush($key, $value)
return self::$redis->rPush($this->formatKey($key), $this->formatValue($value));
public function lPop($key)
$value = self::$redis->lPop($this->formatKey($key));
return $value !== false ? $this->unformatValue($value) : null;
public function rPop($key)
$value = self::$redis->rPop($this->formatKey($key));
return $value !== false ? $this->unformatValue($value) : null;
protected function formatKey($key)
return $this->prefix . $key;
protected function formatValue($value)
return @serialize($value);
protected function unformatValue($value)
return @unserialize($value);
* 获取Redis实例,当封装的方法未能满足时,可调用此接口获取Reids实例进行操作
public function getRedis()
return self::$redis;
class CACHE extends RedisCache
public $isEnabled;
public $clearCache = 0;
public $language = 'en';
public $Page = array();
public $Row = 1;
public $Part = 0;
public $MemKey = "";
public $Duration = 0;
public $cacheReadTimes = 0;
public $cacheWriteTimes = 0;
public $keyHits = array();
public $languageFolderArray = array();
public function __construct($host = 'localhost', $port = 11211)
$success = $this->connect($host, $port); // Connect to memcache
if ($success) {
$this->isEnabled = 1;
} else {
$this->isEnabled = 0;
public function getIsEnabled()
return $this->isEnabled;
public function setClearCache($isEnabled)
$this->clearCache = $isEnabled;
public function getLanguageFolderArray()
return $this->languageFolderArray;
public function setLanguageFolderArray($languageFolderArray)
$this->languageFolderArray = $languageFolderArray;
public function getClearCache()
return $this->clearCache;
public function setLanguage($language)
$this->language = $language;
public function getLanguage()
return $this->language;
public function new_page($MemKey = '', $Duration = 3600, $Lang = true)
if ($Lang) {
$language = $this->getLanguage();
$this->MemKey = $language."_".$MemKey;
} else {
$this->MemKey = $MemKey;
$this->Duration = $Duration;
$this->Row = 1;
$this->Part = 0;
$this->Page = array();
public function set_key()
//---------- Adding functions ----------//
public function add_row()
$this->Part = 0;
$this->Page[$this->Row] = array();
public function end_row()
public function add_part()
public function end_part()
// Shorthand for:
// add_row();
// add_part();
// You should only use this function if the row is only going to have one part in it (convention),
// although it will theoretically work with multiple parts.
public function add_whole_row()
$this->Part = 0;
$this->Page[$this->Row] = array();
// Shorthand for:
// end_part();
// end_row();
// You should only use this function if the row is only going to have one part in it (convention),
// although it will theoretically work with multiple parts.
public function end_whole_row()
// Set a variable that will only be availabe when the system is on its row
// This variable is stored in the same way as pages, so don't use an integer for the $Key.
public function set_row_value($Key, $Value)
$this->Page[$this->Row][$Key] = $Value;
// Set a variable that will always be available, no matter what row the system is on.
// This variable is stored in the same way as rows, so don't use an integer for the $Key.
public function set_constant_value($Key, $Value)
$this->Page[$Key] = $Value;
// Inserts a 'false' value into a row, which breaks out of while loops.
// This is not necessary if the end of $this->Page is also the end of the while loop.
public function break_loop()
if (count($this->Page)>0) {
$this->Page[$this->Row] = false;
//---------- Locking functions ----------//
// These functions 'lock' a key.
// Users cannot proceed until it is unlocked.
public function lock($Key)
$this->cache_value('lock_'.$Key, 'true', 3600);
public function unlock($Key)
//---------- Caching functions ----------//
// Cache $this->Page and resets $this->Row and $this->Part
public function cache_page()
$this->cache_value($this->MemKey, $this->Page, $this->Duration);
$this->Row = 0;
$this->Part = 0;
// Exact same as cache_page, but does not store the page in cache
// This is so that we can use classes that normally cache values in
// situations where caching is not required
public function setup_page()
$this->Row = 0;
$this->Part = 0;
// Wrapper for Memcache::set, with the zlib option removed and default duration of 1 hour
public function cache_value($Key, $Value, $Duration = 3600)
$this->set($Key, $Value, 0, $Duration);
$this->keyHits['write'][$Key] = !$this->keyHits['write'][$Key] ? 1 : $this->keyHits['write'][$Key]+1;
//---------- Getting functions ----------//
// Returns the next row in the page
// If there's only one part in the row, return that part.
public function next_row()
$this->Part = 0;
if ($this->Page[$this->Row] == false) {
return false;
} elseif (count($this->Page[$this->Row]) == 1) {
return $this->Page[$this->Row][0];
} else {
return $this->Page[$this->Row];
// Returns the next part in the row
public function next_part()
$Return = $this->Page[$this->Row][$this->Part];
return $Return;
// Returns a 'row value' (a variable that changes for each row - see above).
public function get_row_value($Key)
return $this->Page[$this->Row][$Key];
// Returns a 'constant value' (a variable that doesn't change with the rows - see above)
public function get_constant_value($Key)
return $this->Page[$Key];
// If a cached version of the page exists, set $this->Page to it and return true.
// Otherwise, return false.
public function get_page()
$Result = $this->get_value($this->MemKey);
if ($Result) {
$this->Row = 0;
$this->Part = 0;
$this->Page = $Result;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Wrapper for Memcache::get. Why? Because wrappers are cool.
public function get_value($Key)
if ($this->getClearCache()) {
return false;
// If we've locked it
// Xia Zuojie: we disable the following lock feature 'cause we don't need it and it doubles the time to fetch a value from a key
/*while($Lock = $this->get('lock_'.$Key)){
$Return = $this->get($Key);
$this->keyHits['read'][$Key] = !$this->keyHits['read'][$Key] ? 1 : $this->keyHits['read'][$Key]+1;
return $Return;
// Wrapper for Memcache::delete. For a reason, see above.
public function delete_value($Key, $AllLang = false)
if ($AllLang) {
$langfolder_array = $this->getLanguageFolderArray();
foreach ($langfolder_array as $lf) {
} else {
public function getCacheReadTimes()
return $this->cacheReadTimes;
public function getCacheWriteTimes()
return $this->cacheWriteTimes;
public function getKeyHits($type='read')
return (array)$this->keyHits[$type];